Over the past 12 months, Human Outsource has been working with Nexus Risk Services (www.nexusrisk.com.au) to develop a suite of insurance products that protect businesses from employment-related liability claims. As you probably all know, claims made by workers against organisations (including their officers and directors) is on the rise, so it is good to have ‘piece of mind’.
We believe that the three (3) insurance products that we have developed are some of the best on the market on the basis that if an insurance claim is triggered, you receive legal support from Human Outsource’s trusted employment law experts at FAC Law (www.faclaw.com.au), as opposed to a legal firm that simply sits on a general insurance panel.
In creating these insurance products, it was also important to Human Outsource that we did not profit from the activity. Human Outsource does not receive any commission (whatsoever) from the products offered. We did this to avoid any conflict and to ensure that we can offer a superior suite of products to our clients at a cost that is lower than many of the mainstream insurance products currently on the market.
Our insurance products are underwritten by SUA and are offered on the basis that if you are a Human Outsource client that has followed our advice, you are able to access FAC Law (specifically) to defend any claims that may be made against your organisation or its officers and directors. We believe that this places you in a superior position, so you can rely on not only our HR services to mitigate against the risk of a claim but have robust insurance protection in the event a claim is made. Terms and conditions do apply.
If you clink on this link: https://www.humanoutsource.com.au/insurance/ you can access the insurance brochure and policy wording information for each product.
Should you be interested in any of these products, simply give us a call on 1300 723 911 so we can assist.